A new home for internationally renowned production company
Rising Sun Pictures is an internationally renowned special effects and production company. From its Adelaide offices, the company has worked on hundreds of movies including those from the Lord of the Rings, Indiana Jones and Marvel franchises.
To accommodate its rapid expansion, the company leased new premises at 190 Flinders Street in Adelaide’s CBD, and engaged Sarah Constructions to deliver a high-quality, customised fit out.
Sarah’s team fostered collaborative relationships with the project’s architect, and suppliers and subcontractors to fully understand and meet Rising Sun’s technical requirements and high-end aesthetic.
The result is two-floors of open plan and private office work spaces, amenities, kitchenettes, teaching spaces and two state-of-the-art light sensitive movie review rooms.
Delivered over only six months with tenanted floors directly below the works, and facing one of Adelaide’s busiest streets, the team understood the importance of minimising impacts and maximising safety outcomes.
Works were planned and scheduled to suit the operational requirements of the existing occupants, and ensure the safety of the community, tenants, and construction personnel.
With the building’s slab and lift having restricted load limits, Sarah’s team worked collaboratively with structural engineers and subcontractors to develop innovative, safe and efficient construction methodologies.
This project highlights Sarah’s solutions-focussed approach and has provided Rising Sun with a new facility to showcase South Australia’s talent on the international stage.
Design Challenges and Creative Solutions
Client Outcomes
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