Adelaide’s most well-known watering holes have something in common: Sarah.
The Maid, The Stirling, The Bath, The Archer, The Dublin, The Belgium Beer Café are some of Adelaide’s most well-known watering holes. And they all have something in common: Sarah.
Sarah has breathed new life into all of these hotels and many more, which often have construction complexities like stone walls, chimneys, heritage compliance, basements and salt damp. Convoluted service paths also make these restoration projects a bit tricky. Cutting through unpredictable stone walls, supporting loads and removal of materials can be very technical work, all to be carried out within very small spaces.
Design Challenges and Creative Solutions
Client Outcomes
Sarah Value-Add
At the end of the day, each hotel fit-out needed to be something the public hasn’t seen before – something cutting-edge. It can be a time-consuming thing to get right, but the finished project can get a hotel talked about for years to come. Some of Sarah’s hotel projects that have got people talking:
The Bath Hotel – complete refurbishment that included major structural works with the demolition of an internal load bearing wall, then re-supporting for the new open-plan entertainment area, bar and dining room.
Value: $1.5 million
Procurement: Managing Contractor
The Maid and Magpie Hotel – staged redevelopment of the entire existing building, yet remained open at all times, while Sarah negotiated the heritage, traffic and construction issues that come with a prominent location.
Value: $5 million
Procurement: Construction Management
The Bremen Hotel – complete redevelopment of the existing building that included bringing the front façade back to its original stone.
Value: $1.3 million
Procurement: GMP