End User Focus Delivers Positive Outcomes For SA’s First Autism Specific School
After successful delivery of Stage 1 and 2 refurbishments at Aspect Treetop School, Sarah was awarded Stage 3 works as part of the school’s ongoing commitment to expanding and updating their facilities. Opened in 2016, Treetop School is South Australia’s first autism-specific school.
With an ongoing demand for places and a long waitlist for Aspect’s education services in SA, the Stage 3 works added much needed facilities including four new classrooms, a large break-out area for sensory play, updated commercial kitchen, internal gym and climbing area plus additional staff meeting rooms and amenities.
The expansion was designed to incorporate the latest learning practices and autism-friendly design, involving significant stakeholder engagement. The building finishes consist of feature joinery, resilient floor and wall surfaces, with a soft colour pallet and natural light to support learning requirements for this autism-specific school.
Design Challenges and Creative Solutions
Client Outcomes
Sarah Value-Add