On-going Relationship Success Brings Campus Masterplan To Fruition
Continuing the successful delivery of the Westminster Masterplan, Sarah has recently completed Stage 4 which incorporated three projects, Block 400 Refurbishment, the Michael Murray Centre Foyer extension and amenities upgrade, and the Westminster Green.
400 Block:
A full ‘strip-out’ of all existing internal elements, including solid internal walls, external high-level brickwork and existing covered walkway. The refurbished ground floor contains new office spaces, lockers and a breezeway running from north to south, providing an impactful entrance into the new Westminster Green area. The 1st floor provides new meeting / quiet rooms, additional offices, kitchenette with dining area and a large open for collaborative seating areas for the students.
Michael Murray Centre (MMC):
The MMC building houses the ‘Performing Arts Centre and Dance Studio’ providing extensive facilities for music, drama, workshops, seminars, and events. Works included removal of existing steel structure and front foyer entrance, extending the foyer, adding feature entry stairs, upgrade existing foyer area with new lights, feature acoustic wall panelling, painting etc, plus demolition and full fitout of existing bathrooms, including new accessible toilet.
Westminster Green:
The vibrant Westminster Green connects the campus masterplan facilities together. Works included extensive external civil and landscaping, demolition of existing Fricker Building, new feature concrete amphitheatre, feature pathway and tree up-lighting to illuminate the entire area, trees and umbrellas.
With a school focus to deliver effective ways of adapting infrastructure for teaching and learning, the Campus Masterplan has facilitated this by creating a multitude of flexible educational spaces for staff and students. Sarah has been honoured to work alongside the school community as the building partner throughout this journey.
- 2023 Australian Institute of Building Professional Excellence in Building Awards High Commendation in Commercial Construction $2-25 Million (SA Chapter)
Sarah Constructions were engaged for each of the building projects without the need for a competitive market tender due to both the quality of the build and relationship that they formed with the School. Over two years Sarah offered multiple solutions with a balance between cost and appropriate solutions. I would without hesitation be a positive advocate for Sarah Constructions.